Need to Focus...Like an Iris
This morning I got sooo sidetracked!I will enlighten you of my Sidetracked Path––won't you join me?;
Loving to garden I sign up for emails from seed and gardening companies
- receive said email
- go online and view pretty catalog
- see pretty picture of a peachy-pink bearded iris
- knowing my sister loves Iris I look for copyright/royalty free photos of similar iris
- find said photo
- copy and save so I can email pretty iris pic to my sis
- while working on web-design for a customer (which is what I was supposed to be doing) my eye catches the thumbnail pic of pretty iris on my desktop
- hmmm... I think... I could turn that pretty iris into a photoshop brush
- leave web work and open CS2
- open iris pic and work on creating the pretty iris brush
- while tweaking the iris THE VOICE tells me.. You are sidetracked
"Yes", I say, "I know."
Why am I this way? I should do better. Hmmm... I should write down how my trail of sidetrackededness happens...
Leave unfinished Iris creation and open Text file to journal my sidetrackededness...
Wow... look at all the misspellings... I should... Oh! The Iris
And look! I see I have new email. I should close my mail program. That is what I learned to do in my endeavors to be a good GTD groupie. This essay of mine is boring me...I have work to do...But first...that Iris must be finished.
Oh! And I forgot to email my sister the original..that means I have to open my email program...
Oy! My head! It Spins!
Don't even ask me how my fabric folding & sewing room project is going.
1 comment:
OH my lord!... we are SO seperated at birth. I have started like 15 things today and finished none of them. If I actually get this sent you will be my first thing to get done today!
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